Feel safe and empowered in your body so you can make health choices rooted in intuitive body wisdom.

What Clients Say About Embodied Wellness Sessions

“Rachel is so good at asking you questions to help you figure out the solution on your own. She is a great guide and mentor, and holds space for you as you work through the problem. I always walk away from our sessions feeling like I have a better direction and feeling more connected/confident in myself.”

— Lucia B.

“Working with Rachel has fundamentally changed my relationship with my body. Rachel has helped me build more body awareness, correct movement patterns that were hurting my back, and cultivate a more positive relationship with my body. My back pain is GREATLY reduced, and I have confidence knowing it can manage and treat it when it does happen.”

— Jen W.


  • Align, fine-tune, and regulate with guided therapeutic movement tailored to your body's needs that day.

  • Practices include mindfulness, meditation, intentional decluttering, communication role play, journaling, drawing, emotional expression, and guided visualizations.

  • Meaningful conversations to help you reflect, clarify, and envision personal behavior.