Brain Wave States

Our brain functions electro-chemically, meaning it is influenced by both electrical and chemical reactions. From an electrical standpoint, different brain wave states or patterns dominate when we are alert vs. relaxed vs. dreaming vs. in deep sleep. They are all a normal part of being human, and spending time in all of them helps balance our brain’s experience.

Here is a simple breakdown of the four main brain wave states (in order from fastest to slowest frequencies).


This is the dominant rhythm when we are alert with our eyes open. In this state we can listen, think, analyze, solve problems, and make decisions.

Our attention is focused externally, our minds feel active, and anxiety or eustress (the urge to get things done) dominates our energy. In general, we are processing the world around us and engaged in the task at hand.


In this state, we are alert but not actively processing information. This is the major rhythm we see in relaxed adults and is linked to extroversion and creativity. You can increase alpha waves by closing your eyes and lengthening your breath cycle and decrease them by starting to calculate or think critically.

Reflection or meditation puts us into this brainwave state and helps us increase mental resourcefulness, mental coordination, and better sense our energetic state.


This brainwave state dominates when we are deeply relaxed and inwardly focused. If you have ever found yourself on auto-pilot on the freeway or shower, you were in Theta. This state is less common in adults when we are awake, but very common in children before the age of 13.

Theta reflects the state between consciousness and sleep, found in experiences like Yoga Nidra, prayer and other spiritual practices.


This state occurs in deep sleep when we are not dreaming (i.e. stages 3 and 4). In this state, our awareness of the physical world is decreased and we gain access to our unconscious mind.

All of these states are important, but some argue that in our modern world ,we spend the vast majority of our waking hours with Beta dominating our brains experience. The tendency to be efficient, get things done, analyze and fix problems often leaves our brains needing a break.

If you find yourself craving watching television, scrolling through social media, or other leisure activities that “turn your brain off” (i.e. put us more into an alpha or theta brainwave state) it could be you simply need a brain break. Our culture is quick to call these activities “lazy” but there is so much research and evidence supporting relaxing activities actually increasing our productivity and output.

Meditation, prayer, mind-wandering, and (yes) television can be an important way to maintain balance in our brain to make sure we don’t get burned out. Proudly take breaks, do so often, and you might be surprised at how much better you function when in more “productive” brain states.


Creating a Home Movement Space