Creating a Home Movement Space

We find ourselves in a time that requires us to stay home. All of our environments are now encompassed within one bubble, and where we work, eat, socialize, and practice self care has been consolidated.

How do we ensure our environment is working for us and not against us? If we find ourselves uninspired, bored, or frantic, look around and think about how your surroundings influence your state of mind and day to day actions.

One important part of our every day is movement. And now, unlike ever before, we have to create a space that we want to move in. Without access to gyms or fitness studios or any of our usual go-to’s, how do we create an environment that inspires movement?

I have mapped out a few pointers for creating a space that helps you bring mindful movement into your daily life.

  1. Wiggle Room

    Simply put you will need room to stretch out! Find a place with ample space for a rug or yoga mat you can lay out on. You should have room to make a star (wide legs and arms), and reach your arms overhead. If needed, move furniture and intentionally transform a room to a place that works for movement.

  2. Easy Access

    Give yourself easy access to movement tools such as rollers, straps, bolsters, etc. Use what you have around the house, and get creative with towels/belts for straps, pillows for bolsters, and items like soup or laundry detergent for weights. If necessary, consider investing in low cost tools that can help inspire and diversify your movement exploration.

  3. Privacy

    Ideally this space is somewhere private where you don’t have to worry about being disturbed, but work with what you have. If you are out in the open, try to accept that you might be seen by your housemates/family. Exercising is nothing to feel self conscious about, remember you are doing this for the benefit of yourself and will most likely inspire anyone who sees you to move more.

  4. Removing Distractions

    Visual cues are very real for our brains. If we see laundry out or clutter, it requires mental energy to remember that something must be done with the mess. Do yourself a favor and clean up your space before moving so it’s easier to focus on your movement experience.

    A huge visual cue are our phones. Our brains have become wired to check our phones often, and as useful as they are phones do pull us out of the present moment. Turn your phone on airplane mode, or better yet leave it in the other room so you can be present with your body.

  5. Tone

    Think about what sort of smells, sounds, and lighting help you get into a calm present state. Space can be created with the light of a candle or lamp, particular music, or burning incense/sage. Help yourself get more present with simple sensory delights that set a tone for the sort of movement experience your body needs.

Who knows how long we will be in this societal situation, but I do think creating a sacred home space is a silver lining of this whole ordeal. Utilize this opportunity to get more comfortable moving at home so you can associate home life with self care.

I highly recommend setting up a space you can easily come back to day after day, letting the environment of your movement space be the visual cue to spend time feeling your body in movement.


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